Test Results
Patients are requested to ring in for test results after 11am. You can also access your test results online using Patient Access or via the NHS app which can be downloaded to a smartphone or table..
Please note we have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection. We will only give out results to the person they relate to unless that person has given the surgery prior permission for their release to someone else, or they are under the age of 16 when the result will be given to a parent or guardian.
Patients may sometimes be contacted by telephone or letter asking them to arrange to speak to the doctor about their results. It is important we have your correct telephone number and address, in case we need to contact you.
Blood Tests
A blood test usually involves the phlebotomist taking a sample from a blood vessel in your arm, and the usual place for a sample is the inside of the elbow or wrist, where the veins are relatively close to the surface. Blood samples from young children are most commonly taken from the back of the hand.
You can find out more about blood tests, their purpose and the way they are performed on the NHS website (see the link to the right side of this page).
X-Rays and Scans
Your doctor may refer you to the hospital for an X-ray, ultrasound or MRI scan.
You don't need a pre-booked appointment for routine x-rays. Just turn up at the x-ray department at one of our local hospitals (Westmorland General, Furness General and the Royal Lancaster Infirmary) or at Ulverston Health Centre during opening times.
However, you will need an appointment for ultrasound and MRI scans which will sent to you in the post.
These investigations are usually carried out by a radiographer - a healthcare professional who specialises in using imaging technology, such as X-rays and ultrasound scanners.
You can find out more about x-rays and other tests, how they are performed, their function and any risks by visiting the NHS website (see the link to the right side of this page).