Covid & Flu Out of Hours News

The Health Centre, Kents Bank Road, Grange-over-Sands, LA11 7DJ

Flookburgh Surgery, Station Road, Flookburgh, LA11 7JY

Email    Tel: 01539 761 352

Contact Details


We welcome your compliments, comments, concerns and your complaints as these help to improve our services to you and other patients.


When you want to say thank you

Staff appreciate it when patients, relatives or carers go out of their way to thank them for their efforts.  We keep a record of all compliments that are received. You can also leave a review which other people can see by using the iWantGreatCare link on the right hand side of this page.


If you have a comment or concern

We would like to hear from you if you have any suggestions about how we can improve or have a concern. A concern is often best dealt with when it arises and as a practice we would encourage you to first explain to a member of staff who knows you and the situation. In many cases it should be possible to sort out the problem straight away by talking to staff or the Practice Business Manager.

We appreciate that sometimes there maybe occasions when you feel we may not meet the standards you expect and this leads to you making a complaint.


Making a complaint

We take complaints very seriously and they are treated in confidence.  We aim to resolve complaints quickly and fairly and will try to sort any mistake or misunderstanding straight away.

It is helpful if you make your complaints as soon as possible.  This will help us to investigate the issue effectively.  The period of time where we can investigate is:-

  • Within 12 months of the event or
  • Within 12 months of you realising that you have something to complain about.

Complaints are not kept in your records and will not affect ongoing or future treatment in any way.

If you are complaining or raising a concern on behalf of someone else, they will need to give their consent for us to share personal information with you.

It is important to be clear about what aspect of care has caused your complaint.  Be specific and think about what you want to achieve. It will help us if you provide your full contact details including a daytime telephone number. Please address all complaints to Paul Howie, our Practice Business Manager. 


What happens when you make a complaint?

  • We will try to contact you to talk about your complaint or we will write to you to acknowledge its receipt.  This is usually within 3 working days and excludes bank holidays.
  • We will discuss whether you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss the issues
  • We will discuss who would be most appropriate person to respond to you and how this will occur.  This may be in letter, an action plan, or a meeting.
  • We will provide you with an explanation of the points that you have raised, details of what we have found out and what we will be doing to put things right. If there are some points that we do not agree with you will be given the reasons for this.  We would aim to respond to your complaint within 15 working days unless we have agreed a date with you.



Care Quality Commission

The CQC is responsible for checking that every care provider that is registered with them meets important standards of quality and safety. However, the duties that they been given by Parliament do not include dealing with individual complaints about providers’ services.
If you have concerns that we are not meeting the CQC standards on the care you have received, you can speak to the CQC on 03000 616161.